Chag Pesach Sameach!
Until about 3 PM that day, I had seriously envisioned them following it a bit and everyone sharing memories of Passovers past, and traditions from their own seders. Then it hit me: four toddlers. Our toddler can barely sit through a one-course meal without wanting to get down. Needless to say, it was highly abridged, but we read of the exodus and the toddlers lounged and all in all we had a fun if absolutely crazed evening.
Tonight we had 2nd night at our synagogue. It was a family seder, and thus was also somewhat abridged, but MZ asked for matzah and matzah ball soup and tried the chopped liver if not the gefilte fish, colored in her "activity haggadah" and loved running around with the other kids. I'm sure she would have liked the charoses, had it not been made with walnuts. We're going to do a Sephardic version for the family seder this weekend, something with almonds and coconut that one of our guests brought on Monday and that I think I'd love on a crumpet, if we were eating crumpets right now.
Chag pesach sameach, happy Easter, happy Spring.
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