
Thirty-six Months by the Numbers

Due to a ludicrous insurance rule, we couldn't schedule Miriam's 3-year Wellness Appointment until 365 days after her Two-year Appointment, which had been delayed due to a cold. Given our pediatrician's newly limited schedule (she's a new mom, yay!), we'll be attending her 5-Year Appointment sometime in June (2010) at best.

The appointment went well! We picked her up early from preschool and raced across town. Miriam was so animated in the waiting room we wondered if perhaps someone had replaced our child. She ran around, tried to get a little boy to play with her, and generally acted like she hangs out there every day.

We were all a little bowled over to be seen in the doctor's office on a chaise lounge rather than the exam room of previous appointments. Dr. G chatted with Miriam, encouraged to take her own clothes off, asked which of Puppy's ears to look into before she looked into Miriam's and seemed please with her speech and coordination. Worries about her breech-baby hips are a thing of the past!

Miriam is 31 lbs and 37.5 inches of lithe preschooler energy. She's 50th percentile for weight *and* height despite a growth spurt that brought her face to face with most of her taller friends. She's a happy healthy little weasel, for which we are eternally grateful.


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