
Hucker MZ

MZ is currently obsessed with the Dropsie game. Ever since she learned "ah oh!" everything gets hucked -- from the highchair, the changing table, the stroller, her car seat. We keep a few small toys at the changing table, to try to control for wiggling, which she hucks from the table, AH oh! over and over.

Of course, this activity -- intereactive though it may be -- does not count towards the total allowable time on the changing table. Exceed the limit and face her wrath. The changing table used to be so much fun, but now that she's mobile, she's got places to be, things to do, and we are keeping her down.

She also hucks hats, socks and shoes. Backtracking in search of hucked stuff was a regular feature of our trip, and one toy never did get recovered, even though it was strapped to the stroller with a link-a-doo. When I'd rush back to her with her item, she'd grin slyly. I couldn't tell if she thought this was the best game ever or if she was frankly surprised at our resourcefulness.

Anyway, she's got a deejay name if she ever needs it.
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