
Perspective II

Children of the Pumpkins

After a fabulous first try at camping, some neighbor-friends and we visited a pumpkin patch, where we took over 30 photos of Julia and Miriam in the wagon, together and seperately. It occurred to me halfway through (after snapping harshly at Robert, truth be told) that the desire to capture the perfect picture of the babes in the patch had completely overwhelmed the moment, that I was forgetting to actually enjoy MZ's first wagon ride, her first taste of hay (which she could not get enough of), her first Halloween (which she's not even aware of), everything.

It was a sobering moment, and hopefully an object lesson because the photos are only as good as the memories they revive, and if the memory is of running around snapping photos, then what's the point?

Anyway, these two were the hit of the pumkin patch and fortunately the memory I hold most dear is of MZ rocking back and forth to the rhythm of the wagon, with a big ol' grin on her face. Priceless.


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